Wintertime Soil Improvements

“One of the most useful things you can do to create a more resilient garden its to make your own compost,” says homesteader Kim Stoddart, co-author of The Climate Change Garden with botanist Sally Morgan. “This crumbly, dark, earthy-smelling material is the perfect soil amendment, and it’s nature’s way of recycling all your garden waste.”

Homemade compost can be created from garden waste and kitchen leftovers, fruit and vegetable peelings, and even cardboard from cereal packets. Other items can also be added to the compost bin such as egg shells, non-plastic tea bags, cotton, coffee grounds, grass clippings, wood chip and dog hair.

“A basic compost bin can be as simple as four sides made from recycled pallets and a lid to keep out the rain, buy you can also buy plastic bins cheaply,” they advise. “It’s best to gather all your materials together and fill the bin in one go. Cover and leave for about a month, Then take it all out, give it a good mix, and return it to the bin. Three of four months later it should be brown and crumbly. Any larger pieces of plant material can be removed, and the rest used on the garden.”