Natural Pest Control in Home, Garden and Crops

by Paul Gavarni

Before turning to chemicals to control garden pests, try these environmentally friendly methods of keeping insects away from the home, the garden, or crops in the field.

1. Choose native plants whenever possible. Indigenous varieties are generally more resistant to diseases and pests. Select disease-resistant cultivars and use certified disease-free seed.

2. Allow reasonable space between plants; overcrowding leads to poor air circulation and disease.

3. Prepare and maintain good soil; amend with compost or well-rotted manure. Mulching will conserve moisture and limit weeds.

4. Keep plants well watered in hot weather.

5. Prune away stems and limbs that are dead, diseased or pest-infested; remove these from the yard or garden to prevent disease from spreading.

6. Sterlize garden tools with household bleach diluted 1:9 with water before using; wash hands and clean off shoes.

7. Scout for pests regularly and hand-pick unwanted insects.

8. Use row covers on crops and gardens to keep pests at bay, or cover with insect netting.

9. Use companion planting to deter pests.

10. To deter aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, leafhoppers, and other soft-bodied insects, spray plant leaves with a homemade pepper spray (water, a few drops of hot pepper sauce, a sprinkle of cayenne pepper).