Using the Subconscious Mind for Empowerment

Have you ever wondered why you make yourself invisible, procrastinate, or please others to get their approval? According to Dr. Friedemann Schaub, our subconscious employs these types of survival patterns to protect us. But, living in a survival mode has significant downsides.

Like using a map from 1965 to find our way around New York City, navigating through life with outdated beliefs will not get us to a place of happiness and fulfillment. In addition, these old, limiting beliefs usually aren’t based on who we are, but on how we’ve been treated by others, which generally says more about them than it does about us.

Each chapter of The Empowerment Solution provides us the awareness and insights to rewrite our personal owner’s manual for a more fulfilling and empowering way to create and engage in our life. A life that reflects our true potential and not the limited version of ourselves that has been run by survival patterns.