Building With The Audubon Birdhouse Book

Very likely the most authoritative book on building birdhouses, the Audubon Birdhouse Book combines ornithological research, field tested designs, and best practices advice on building, placing, mounting and maintaining next boxes for a wide variety of bird species.

Produced in association with the National Audubon Society, the book is organized by bird species, from bluebirds to woodpeckers, and offers housing options for birds who nest in boxes and those who live outside the box, like doves and robins. It includes tips for pruning trees and shrubs to accommodate “non-cavity nesters” like goldfinches and warblers.

Fifteen detailed building plans are offered, from a nest box for the Carolina wren to a covered shelf for Finches and Phoebes, along with suggestions for placements that prevent window strikes and collisions.