How To Grow Microgreens

Winter is a good time to grow microgreens indoors. Seeds will sprout in less than a week and homegrown greens can be harvested and enjoyed within one to three weeks of sowing.

In Four-Season Food Gardening, Misilla Dela Llana suggests planting microgreens in a shallow tray filled with premoistened seedling or potting mix.

“Sow seeds thickly and evenly on the surface of your growing medium and tamp seeds down with your hand or with another tray. For larger seeds anodes with a hard seed coat, soak for 12 hours before sowing to speed germination,” she advises.

No light is needed until the seeds germinate, so the tray can be misted with water once or twice a day and placed anywhere with good ventilation for up to a week. Once seedlings emerge, put the tray in a south-facing window or under grow lights and bottom water as needed.

Depending on the variety, microgreens will be ready to harvest in just 1-3 weeks. Cut the greens with scissors about half an inch above the soil level. Best eaten immediately for maximum nutrition, microgreens may also be stored in a plastic bag in a refrigerator for up to a week.

“For a continuous harvest, use succession planting. Start your second tray about a week after the first crop, then start a third a week later, and soon. The spent growing medium can be added to your compost bin or pile.”