Upwellings From The Deep

Often the secret life of the deep rises along with the cold green waters so rich in nutrients and small life. Fishermen say that sometimes on a dark night at sea they hear a strange hissing, and frothing, and snapping. And up from the ocean depths will come devilfish and squids, and the water will shine with the glow of the 'cold light', or luciferin, of the creatures of the deep.

There are many such 'upwellings'. Sometimes strange fishes will be brought up by these upwellings and cast ashore. When the northerly branch of the Gulf Stream vanishes off Greenland, other waters rise to take its place. There can be no holes in the sea.

These upwellings rise near shore as well as in the open ocean. When a gale blows the surface water offshore and out to sea, deep-sea waters flow in and replace them. Where two strong currents part at sea, again cool waters rise from the depths.