Time to Order Fall Bulbs

As summer begins to wane, it is time to decide which spring flowering bulbs you want to add to your landscape.

Select good quality bulbs for planting, paying attention to size and firmness. Choose bulbs that are firm and free from soft or rotting spots, and signs of disease.

There are three sources for bulbs: mail order catalog, local nurseries, and discount business.

Since mail order business tend to have a larger selection of bulb varieties, many gardeners order their bulbs for fall planting through catalogs. This does have one big disadvantage: you won't know what the bulb looks like until it arrives. If you're going to order by mail, make sure you buy from companies that have a good reputation, or that friends and family recommend highly.

When the bulbs arrive be sure to store them in a cool place. They will need to be kept between 50 and 60 degrees. Avoid storing them near any ripening fruits because the ethylene in the fruit can cause flowering disorders. This is especially true for tulips.

Spring flowering bulbs can be planted once the temperatures begin to cool.