Make a Dream Pillow

Dream pillows are used to promote restful sleep and pleasant dreams. They are small and flat, placed in a standard pillow, and stuffed with a sachet of calming and sleep-inducing dried herbs. As the sleeper sleeps, movements of the head will gently crush the herbs to release delightful scents and please the senses throughout the night.

Such dream pillows have been used for centuries. George Washington reportedly used one filled with hops, which have a decidedly sedative effect.

You do not need to be able to sew that well to make a dream pillow. You will need two 6-inch squares of material. You can also use lightweight washcloths.

Dried herbs may be harvested at home, purchased online or at local markets. Choose herbs to fit the mood and fragrance preferred. Dried rose petals, for instance, emit a floral and romantic fragrance while rosemary and mints will give you a clean, invigorating and slightly spicy result. Chamomile has a light apple-like fragrance while dried sweet woodruff emits a wonderful vanilla scent. The best way to find the right combination is to experiment. Here are some simple combinations to get started with: 

  • chamomile, mint and lavender

  • rosemary and mint

  • rose petal, lavender and passion flower.


Two 6 x 6 pieces of natural, breathable fabric

muslin sachet designed for loose tea (to be pulled tight or sewn together)

2 1/2 feet of silk ribbon to match or complement the color of the fabric

Fiberfill or batting

Dried herbs for sachet

Silk Ribbon

Mix the herbs in a bowl, then fill sachet, cinch tightly or sew closed. Sew three sides of the fabric together, outside-in. Turn inside-out, stuff the fabric 1/3 full with fiberfill, center the sachet, then fill the side gaps and top of pillow.

Do not overstuff, the pillow should be flat enough to be comfortably tucked in a standard pillow. Fold open sides in to create a clean seam, then stitch closed.

Tie the ribbon like you would to complete a present wrapping and tie a bow facing the muslin side. Write the herbal ingredients you used on a little card to thread through the ribbon.

Secret for Pleasant Dreams

In his book Making Herbal Dream Pillows, herb farmer Jim Long says that if you tuck a fragrant dream pillow into your pillowcase tonight you'll summon long-hidden memories and inspire the dreams you've always wanted. His book details 17 dream blends of aromatic herbs and flowers designed to reduce stress, nurture a creative spirit, inspire romantic thoughts, and increase mental clarity and awareness.

Holly Dream Pillow

In his book Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham says that if you gather nine holly leaves, wrap them in a white cloth and tie it with nine knots then place it under your pillow, what you dream of will become reality.