Keep A Christmas Tree Fresh

The earlier in the season a cut Christmas tree is purchased, the more likely it will dry out and die before the end of the holidays. Here’s how to keep a cut tree fresh for as long as possible.

Hydration is critical. Buy the heaviest tree in its size because that’s an indication that it has absorbed more water. A lightweight tree probably has less water and will fade sooner.

Any Christmas tree purchased should get a fresh cut on the bottom and placed in water as soon as possible after the new cut. Wait longer than a half hour or so and and the sap will close off the bottom of the tree, preventing it from taking on any more water unless it’s cut again.

Once it is placed indoors, keep the bottom 2 inches of the trunk immersed in water at all times, refilling the tree stand daily. If the tree is near a heat vent, close the vent. Some tree farms may suggest an additive like Miracle-Gro® or soda pop, but the real secret for longevity is water.