Gap Years for Grown Ups

"There is a growing trend among people of all types to take time out from their career to 'find themselves.' Some prefer to be guided in the ways of self improvement while other just seek the opportunity for the time and space to do their own thing," writes the author of this inspiring guide to taking a career break.

A "gap year" traditionally refers to a year between high school graduation and enrolling in higher education, a transition period between childhood dependence and adult maturity. But now mature adults, many of them parents of recent graduates and  "empty-nesters," are discovering the value of taking a break and trying something new.

This guide, in its first edition, covers a wealth of opportunities open to adults contemplating a career break, from volunteering or working abroad to adventure travel and special interest holidays. It offers directories of adult education programs, sport and leadership courses, retreats and religious pilgrimages.

The reference is colored with first-hand accounts and advice from adults who have taken a gap year and advertisements for special programs.