Picking Your Peaches

Depending on the variety and location, peaches are harvested from late June through August. To determine if yours are ready to pick, give them a light squeeze. They will give slightly to pressure near the stem.

“Cup the fruit in your hand and gently twist,” says Christy Wilhelmi in Grow Your Own Mini Fruit Garden. “If they are ready they will come right off.”

If there’s a danger of inclement weather or wildlife threatening the crop, peaches can be picked slightly early in their firm stage and softened indoors.

“Keep in mind, though, that they do not increase their sweetness after picking.”

Peaches can be stored on the kitchen counter until they are soft and then transferred to the refrigerator for longer storage. Or, they can be refrigerated immediately after picking and then set out on the counter two or three days before eating.

“Allow clingstone varieties to sit out for a couple days before canning them as that will make the skin easier to remove.”